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wokwi-lcd1602 Reference

An LCD with 2 lines, 16 characters per line.

Pin names

The LCD1602 comes in 2 possible configurations: I2C configuration and standard configuration. The I2C configuration is usually simpler to use.

The following table summarizes the key differences:

Number of Arduino I/O pins7*2 (SCL)/SDA
Backlight controlOptionalYes
Library nameLiquidCrystalLiquidCrystal_I2C

* Controlling the backlight requires another I/O pin.

You can select the desired configuration by setting the pins attribute. Set it to "i2c" for the I2C configuration, or "full" for the standard configuration (the default).

I2C configuration

VCCSupply voltage
SDAI2C data line
SCLI2C clock line

The default I2C address of the LCD1602 module is 0x27. You can change the address by setting the i2cAddress attribute.

Note: The I2C configuration simulates a PCF8574T chip that controls the LCD module. Normally, you wouldn't have to worry about this as the LiquidCrystal_I2C library takes care of the communication with the chip.

Standard configuration

NameDescriptionArduino Pin*
VDDSupply voltage5V
V0Contrast adjustment (not simulated)
RSCommand/Data select12
RWRead/Write. Connect to Ground.GND.1
D0Parallel data 0 (optional) †
D1Parallel data 1 (optional) †
D2Parallel data 2 (optional) †
D3Parallel data 3 (optional) †
D4Parallel data 410
D5Parallel data 59
D6Parallel data 68
D7Parallel data 77
ABacklight anode5V / 6‡
KBacklight cathodeGND.1

* These are just example pin numbers, they are not mandatory. You need can use any digital/analog pin, but make sure to update the code accordingly!
† Normally, you'd configure the chip in 4-bit parallel mode, which means you only need to connect RS, E, D4, D5, D6, and D7 pins to Arduino.
‡ If you need to control the backlight, connect the anode to an I/O pin. Otherwise, connect it to the supply voltage. For a real circuit, you'd also need a current-limiting resistor, but you may skip it in the simulation environment.

Arduino code example

When you initialize the LiquidCrystal library in your code, you need to pass the pin numbers to the constructor.

The following example uses pin numbers that match the table above:

#include <LiquidCrystal.h>

LiquidCrystal lcd(12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7);

void setup() {
lcd.begin(16, 2);
// you can now interact with the LCD, e.g.:
lcd.print("Hello World!");

void loop() {
// ...

You can also try this example on Wokwi.


NameDescriptionDefault value
pinsSet to "i2c" for I2C configuration"full"
i2cAddressI2C address (I2C configuration)"0x27"
colorThe color of the text"black"
backgroundThe color of the backlight"green"
variantFont variant: "A00" or "A02" (see below)"A00"


{ }
{ "pins": "i2c" }
{ "background": "blue", "color": "white" }


The LCD1602 uses the Hitachi HD44780 LCD Controller chip. The chip comes with a built-in font, as well as the ability to define up to 8 custom characters.

There are two versions of the chip's ROM with two different fonts: HD44780UA00, which includes Japanese katakana characters, and HD44780UA02, which includes Western European characters.

Wokwi simulates the HD44780UA00 variant by default, but you can switch to the HD44780UA02 variant by setting the variant attribute to "A02".

A00 variant

The HD44780UA00 font has 256 characters, with the following ranges:

0-7User defined characters
8-31Blank characters
32-127Standard ASCII characters
128-160Blank characters
161-255Japanese katankana and symbols

ASCII character glyphs:


High characters glyphs:


A02 variant

The HD44780UA02 font has 256 characters, with the following ranges:

0-7User defined characters
8-31Blank characters
32-127Standard ASCII characters (characters 92, 126, 127 differ from A00)
128-255Western european and Cyrillic characters, symbols

ASCII character glyphs:


High characters glyphs:


User defined characters

You can define custom characters using the createChar method of the LiquidCrystal (or LiquidCrystal_I2C) library. The custom characters are the first 8 characters in the font, with indexes from 0 to 7. You can print them to the LCD display using the write() method, or using C string escape sequence, such as "\x07".

The following code example defines a heart shaped character, stores it at index 3, and then uses it to display the text "I (heart) Arduino":

#include <LiquidCrystal.h>

LiquidCrystal lcd(12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7);

uint8_t heart[8] = {

void setup() {
lcd.createChar(3, heart);
lcd.begin(16, 2);
lcd.print(" I \x03 Arduino");

void loop() { }

You can also run this example on Wokwi.

You can modify any custom character while the program is running. This method is useful for creating simple animations. For example, change loop() in the code sample above to slowly reveal the heart icon, line-by-line:

void loop() {
uint8_t heart2[8] = {0};
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
heart2[i] = heart[i];
lcd.createChar(3, heart2);

Simulator examples