Wokwi for VS Code
Wokwi for Visual Studio Code provides a simulation solution for embedded and IoT system engineers. The extension integrates with your existing development environment, allowing you to simulate your projects directly from your code editor.
You can use Wokwi for VS Code with Zehpyr Project, PlatformIO, ESP-IDF, Pi Pico SDK, NuttX, Rust, Arduino CLI, MicroPython, and other embedded development frameworks and toolchains.
First, install the Wokwi for VS Code extension. Then, press F1
and select "Wokwi: Request a new License". VS Code will ask you confirm opening the Wokwi website in your browser. Confirm by clicking "Open".
Then click on the button that says "GET YOUR LICENSE". You may be asked to sign in to your Wokwi account. If you don't have an account, you can create one for free.
The browser will ask for a confirmation to send the license to VS Code. Confirm (you may have to confirm twice, once in the browser, and once in VS Code). You'll see a message in VS Code that says "License activated for [your name]". Congratulations!
Example Projects
To configure Wokwi for your own project, see the Project Configuration page.
If you just want to get started quickly and play around with Wokwi for VS Code, here are some example projects, preconfigured with diagram.json and wokwi.toml files.
Before simulating any of the following projects, you need to compile the code and generate the firmware / ELF file. Consult the project's README file for instructions on how to compile the code.
Platform IO Examples
- Arduino Simon Game - Memory game with 4 LEDs, 4 buttons, a buzzer, and a 7-segment display
- ESP32 Network Clock - Syncs time from the internet (NTP) and displays it on an LCD display
- ESP32 Web Server - HTTP server that controls 2 LEDs
- ESP32 Async Web Server - HTTP server that controls 2 LEDs, using the ESPAsyncWebServer library
ESP-IDF Examples
STM32 Examples
ESP32 + Rust
- Hello Display - Using ESP32-C3 and ILI9341 Display
- esp-gallery - Interactive art gallery (ESP32-C3)
- ESP32-S2 Keypad Example
- Scrolling text - Using LED Dot Matrix Display
- Etch-A-Sketch - Draw on an LED Dot Matrix using an analog joystick
Check out the MicroPython on Wokwi for VS Code repo for examples and instructions.
Sming Framework
Arduino Extension Examples
Other Examples
- Custom chips example - A custom chip that inverts the input signal
- Raspberry Pi Pico SDK - Blinky for Raspberry Pi Pico