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SPI Device API

To create an SPI device, first call spi_init, passing in an spi_config_t struct. This struct defines the clock and MOSI/MISO pins, the SPI mode, and the done callback.

spi_dev_t spi_init(spi_config_t *config)

Initializes an SPI device interface. The config argument defines the pins, mode, and callbacks for the SPI device. It contains the following fields:

sckpin_tThe clock pin
mosipin_tThe MOSI data pin (or NO_PIN to disable MOSI)
misopin_tThe MISO data pin (or NO_PIN to disable MISO)
modeuint32_tSPI mode: 0, 1, 2, or 3 (default: 0)
donecallbackCalled when an SPI transaction finishes (see below)
user_datavoid *Data that will be passed in the first argument of the done callback

The API does not support a CS/SS pin: it is up to the user to select/deselect the SPI interface by calling spi_start() and spi_stop().


Note: spi_init can only be called from chip_init(). Do not call it at a later time.


const spi_config_t spi1 = {
.sck = pin_init("SCK", INPUT),
.mosi = pin_init("MOSI", INPUT),
.miso = pin_init("MISO", INPUT),
.mode = 0,
.done = chip_spi_done, // See the example below
.user_data = chip,

void spi_start(spi_dev_t spi, uint8_t *buffer, uint32_t count)

Starts an SPI transaction, sending and receiving count bytes to/from the given buffer.

You will usually listen for the CS (chip select) pin with pin_watch. Call spi_start() when the CS pin goes low, and spi_stop() when the CS pin goes high.

When creating a device that transfers large amounts of data (e.g. an LCD display), it's recommended to use a large buffer size (few kilobytes). The simulator can use the larger buffer to optimize DMA-controlled SPI transfer and speed up the simulation.

For simple devices that transfer small amounts of data, you can use a single-byte buffer, and process each byte as it arrives in the done callback.

void spi_stop(spi_dev_t spi)

Stops the SPI interface. Usually, you'd call this method when the CS pin goes high.

The done callback

The signature for the done callback is as follows:

static void chip_spi_done(void *user_data, uint8_t *buffer, uint32_t count) {
// 1. process the received data (optional)
// 2. if the CS pin is still low, schedule the next SPI transaction using `spi_start`

The done callback runs when an SPI transaction finishes: either when the buffer provided to spi_start is full, or when spi_stop was called. The buffer contains the data received (it is the same buffer given to spi_start), and count is the number of bytes that have been transferred (or 0 if spi_stop was called before a complete byte has been transferred).

Your done callback should check the status of the CS pin, and if it is still low, it should call spi_start() again to receive the next chunk of data from the microcontroller.

Simulator examples