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wokwi-biaxial-stepper Reference

A concentric biaxial stepper motor, containing two stepper motors packaged in a single enclosure.

Pin names

A1-Outer shaft motor's coil A negative signal
A1+Outer shaft motor's coil A positive signal
B1+Outer shaft motor's coil B positive signal
B1-Outer shaft motor's coil B negative signal
A2-Inner shaft motor's coil A negative signal
A2+Inner shaft motor's coil A positive signal
B2+Inner shaft motor's coil B positive signal
B2-Inner shaft motor's coil B negative signal


NameDescriptionDefault value
outerHandLengthThe length of the outer shaft's hand, between "20" and "70""30"
outerHandColorThe color of the outer shaft's hand"gold"
outerHandShapeThe shape of the outer shaft's hand: "plain", "arrow", or "ornate""plain"
innerHandLengthThe length of the inner shaft's hand, between "20" and "70""30"
innerHandColorThe color of the inner shaft's hand"silver"
innerHandShapeThe shape of the inner shaft's hand: "plain", "arrow", or "ornate""plain"


{ "innerHandLength": "40", "innerHandShape": "arrow" }
{ "innerHandColor": "red", "innerHandShape": "ornate", "outerHandShape": "ornate" }

Using the biaxial stepper motor

The biaxial stepper motor is made of two individual stepper motor. Check out the wokwi-stepper-motor and wokwi-a4988 documentation for more information about using stepper motors and their simulation behavior.

Simulator examples