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Chips interact with the simulator using digital pins. The pins are defined in a JSON file, called {chip-name}.chip.json (replace {chip-name} with the actual name of the chip). For instance, the following JSON file defines a chip with 4 pins (IN, OUT, VCC, GND):

"name": "Inverter",
"author": "Uri Shaked",
"pins": ["OUT", "IN", "VCC", "GND"]

The GPIO pins API allows your chip implementation code to interact with the GPIO pins:

pin_t pin_init(const char *name, uint32_t mode)

Initializes the given pin, and returns a pin identifier for use with the other pin methods. The mode parameters configure the initial state of the pin. The following values are available:

  • INPUT - configures the pin as a digital input
  • INPUT_PULLUP - configures the pin as a digital input, and attaches a pull-up register to the pin.
  • INPUT_PULLDOWN - configures the pin as a digital input, and attaches a pull-down register to the pin.
  • OUTPUT - configures the pin as a digital output
  • OUTPUT_LOW - configures the pin as a digital output, sets the value of the pin to LOW
  • OUTPUT_HIGH - configures the pin as a digital output, sets the value of the pin to HIGH
  • ANALOG - configures the pin as an analog pin. See the Analog API section for more detail.

Note: pin_init() can only be called from chip_init(). Do not call it at a later time. You can use pin_mode() to change the mode of a pin at any time.

void pin_mode(pin_t pin, uint32_t mode)

Configures the given pin as digital input or output. The valid values for mode are the same as pin_init(): INPUT, INPUT_PULLUP, INPUT_PULLDOWN, OUTPUT, OUTPUT_LOW, OUTPUT_HIGH, and ANALOG.

void pin_write(pin_t pin, uint32_t value)

Set the output value for a digital pin. Use the LOW and HIGH constants for value.

uint32_t pin_read(pin_t pin)

Reads the current digital value of the pin, returns either LOW or HIGH.

bool pin_watch(pin_t pin, pin_watch_config_t *config)

Listens for changes in the digital value of the given pin. The config structure contains the following fields:

edgeuint32_tWhat pin value changes we listen for (RISING, FALLING or BOTH)
pin_changecallbackCalled when the pin value changes (see below)
user_datavoid *Data that will be passed in the first argument to pin_change

The valid values for edge are:

  • BOTH - Listen for any value change
  • FALLING - Listen for HIGH to LOW changes
  • RISING - Listen for LOW to HIGH changes

You can only have one watch for a pin at any given time. The function returns true if the watch was successfully set, or false in case there is already a watch defined for this pin (and thus the new watch was not set).

The pin_change callback signature is as follows:

void chip_pin_change(void *user_data, pin_t pin, uint32_t value) {
// value will either be HIGH or LOW

Usage example:

const pin_watch_config_t watch_config = {
.edge = FALLING,
.pin_change = chip_pin_change,
.user_data = chip,
pin_watch(pin, &watch_config);

void pin_watch_stop(pin_t pin)

Stops watching for changes on the given pin.